Anxiety Warning Signs

Anxiety Warning Signs

How do you know when you are suffering from background anxiety? It’s important to be aware of the warning signs, because excessive levels of anxiety can disrupt your performance, stifle…

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Alternative Fibromyalgia Therapies

Alternative Fibromyalgia Therapies

Fibromyalgia is a mysterious disease that is effecting more and more people, as increasing numbers of patients are being diagnosed with this disorder. What is fibromyalgia, and what are some…

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An Introduction To Bach Flower Essences? The Seven Helpers

An Introduction To Bach Flower Essences? The Seven Helpers

Dr. Edward Bach, developer of flower essence therapy, classified the original 38 essences he used in his practice according to the 12-7-19 method: the Twelve Healers, the Seven Helpers, and…

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Alternative Health Practitioner | How To Pick The Perfect Help For You

Alternative Health Practitioner | How To Pick The Perfect Help For You

Therapists, physicians, acupuncturists, massage therapists, body workers and energy workers need to be interviewed and checked out just like your roofer! I don’t know about you but finding a good…

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